Seven Years of Famine

In my opinion and from my experience, when it comes to making Aliyah, it takes a family three years to get their bearings and seven years to integrate. Children do not pick up the language in a few months, unless they are two and learning to talk, and even with the assistance of Waze, after seven years I still get lost trying to negotiate my way through the complex and decayed socialist systems of Israeli bureaucracies in all their rotting glory. Spiritually speaking, I have taken a dive to the mirky bottom of hopelessness as I look towards a future where the gap between the have's and the have not's seems to grow exponentially larger, like the government debt collection agents punitive tax on those who have fallen through the cracks of a system seemingly designed specifically for that purpose. It is almost impossible to survive in this country without a foreign income, unless you are privileged and intelligent enough to work in the high tech sector, or are either a busines...